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 About Us
PTP SINGAPORE PTE LTD is an independent stocking distributor of board-level electronic components in Singapore. Our product range comprises components covering all areas, ranging from semi-conductor and passive components to electro-mechanical products.

We have a wealth of experience in hard-to-find, allocated, obsolete and military parts and extensive network of suppliers which guaranteed absolutely competitive price. To confirm our commitment to quality of service, we pursued and gained ISO9002 approval, also TBF member.
Customer service
  • Professional staff and considerate service can provide best parts and solution
  • Flexible payment terms are applicable based on different purchasing volume
  • All in-stock parts can be delivered within 48 hours and enjoy long period of warranty
  • Exceptional value added service is offered
Orders & Delivery
Please use the phone or email to submit your enquiry.
We will shipped out the parts within 2-3days after we going-over the parts
Company Info
Phone: +06531592199
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